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undefined Edgar Vicente Sierra
Фамилия Vicente Sierra
Имя Edgar
Ник-имя Edgar
день рождения 06.01.1997
год рождения 1997
рост 184
национальность Spain
позиция вратарь
клуб CE Sabadell F.C.
национальный игрок нет
веб-сайт -
Views 23860

Info: Portero muy completo. Seguro, agil fuerte, excelente colocacion. Juega con el pie excepcionalmente. Domina juego aereo y dificil de batir en el uno contra uno. Impresionante saque de puerta tanto de volea como a balon parado. Actua como el ultimo defensa.

Very complete goalkeeper. Steady, sure, agile, strong, good reflexes and a fine presence between the posts.. He dominates air game and to beat in one against one is very difficult. Impressive kick from goalkeeper area so much of it volleys like to stopped ball. He plays with the foot exceptionally.He plays unusually as last defense. Known for his superb shot-stopping ability, Edgar also improved immeasurably in kicking and catching last term.

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