Футбол - Наши таланты

undefined Marek Baláž
Фамилия Baláž
Имя Marek
Ник-имя -
день рождения 22.02.1994
год рождения 1994
рост 183
национальность Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
позиция вратарь
клуб ŠK Slovan Bratislava Futbal
национальный игрок нет
веб-сайт -
Views 16428
Marek Baláž

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65 ratings ø 0.08

Info: Football Club Membership: Sport Club Slovan Bratislava (1999 - 2004) Sport Club Inter Bratislava (2004 – 2009) Sport Club Slovan Bratislava ( since 2009) Currently playing in the first league team – under 17 years group Sport Results: - app. 20 starts for selection of Bratislava - app. 3 starts for regional selection (tournament selection for Slovak Republic representation, on the firs selection he was announced the best goal keeper) - Nominated into wider Slovak Republic representation - under 15 years group Other training activities: between 2006-2008 extra training of gymnastics Language skills: English language passive. (Fremdangabe)

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