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CF Badalona SAD
축구 협회 Football Association of Catalonia
홈페이지 Football CF Badalona SAD
조회수 1160
Club rating 0

기타 축구 재능에서 CF Badalona SAD
Roger Domeque Gómez  |  Sergi Duarte Garcia  |  Abel Fabregas Salayet  |  Enric Ferrer Arnaldo  |  Donato Fiorenti  |  Ivan Flichi Garcia  |  Gerard Galindo Tomas  |  Pedro Garcia Gutierrez  |  Joan Grasa Comas  |  Roger Herrero Lopez  |  Andrew Holden Oliveau  |  David Lázaro Alonso  |  Ignacio Lopez Munoz  |  Sergio Maestre García  |  Alejandro Marcos López  |  Jorge Martínez Valverde  |  Franco Nantez  |  John Andrew Neeskens Ramirez  |  Walter Ortega Gochicoa  |  Eric Páez Alonso  |  Biruk Pagespetit Nicolau  |  Vladimir Puig Bendahan  |  Abraham Jesús Noé Quesada  |  Adrián Reche Monasterio  |  Miquel Robusté Colomer  |  Sérgio Romero Rubiño  |  Alejandro Sánchez Benítez  |  Marcel Serramitja Taberner  |  Marc Vicente Portavella  |  Manuel Francisco Vilchez Gris

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다음 선수들은 대출에 보내졌다 CF Badalona SAD
Joan Grasa Comas
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